Class Messages


public class Messages extends Object
Stores all messages used by the plugin. The plugin creates an instance of this class when it's enabled, and uses it throughout the running of the server. Creating any new instances of this class has no effect on the plugin.
  • Field Details

    • welcomeConstant

      public final String welcomeConstant
      Message "welcome-message.constant". Appears when a player joins the server for the first time, and the minimum and maximum starting lives are the name number.
    • welcomeRange

      public final String welcomeRange
      Message "welcome-message.range". Appears when a player joins the server for the first time, and the minimum and maximum starting lives are different numbers.
    • livesPlural

      public final String livesPlural
      Message "lives-message.plural". Appears when a player uses the /lives command and they have more than one life left.
    • livesSingular

      public final String livesSingular
      Message "lives-message.singular". Appears when a player uses the /lives command and they have one life left.
    • livesNone

      public final String livesNone
      Message "lives-message.none". Appears when a player uses the /lives command and they have zero lives left.
    • livesAfterDeathPlural

      public final String livesAfterDeathPlural
      Message "lives-message-after-death.plural". Appears when a player dies and is left with more than one life.
    • livesAfterDeathSingular

      public final String livesAfterDeathSingular
      Message "lives-message-after-death.singular". Appears when a player dies and is left with one life.
    • livesAfterDeathNone

      public final String livesAfterDeathNone
      Message "lives-message-after-death.none". Appears when a player dies their final death.
    • livesAfterDeathNoneTitle

      public final String livesAfterDeathNoneTitle
      Message "lives-message-after-death.none-title". Appears as a title when a player dies their final death.
    • livesTitleAfterDonation

      public final String livesTitleAfterDonation
      Message "lives-title-after-donation". Appears as a title when a player receives a life through the /givelife command.
    • livesAfterDonationPlural

      public final String livesAfterDonationPlural
      Message "lives-message-after-donation.plural". Appears when a player receives a life and now has more than one life left.
    • livesAfterDonationSingular

      public final String livesAfterDonationSingular
      Message "lives-message-after-donation.singular". Appears when a player is revived by another player using the /givelife command.
    • livesAfterDonationNone

      public final String livesAfterDonationNone
      Message "lives-message-after-donation.none". This message shouldn't ever appear, but it exists just in case.
    • livesAfterBeingGenerousPlural

      public final String livesAfterBeingGenerousPlural
      Message "lives-message-after-being-generous.plural". Appears when a player gives away a life and is left with more than one life.
    • livesAfterBeingGenerousSingular

      public final String livesAfterBeingGenerousSingular
      Message "lives-message-after-being-generous.singular". Appears when a player gives away a life and is left with one life.
    • livesAfterBeingGenerousNone

      public final String livesAfterBeingGenerousNone
      Message "lives-message-after-being-generous.none". Appears when a player gives away their last life.
    • revive

      public final String revive
      Message "revive-message". Appears when a player is revived by the /revive command.
    • reviveTitle

      public final String reviveTitle
      Message "revive-title". Appears as a title when a player is revived.
    • commandUnspecifiedPlayer

      public final String commandUnspecifiedPlayer
      Message "command-messages.unspecified-player". Appears when a SemiHardcore command is used without a player specified.
    • commandNotFound

      public final String commandNotFound
      Message "command-messages.not-found". Appears when a SemiHardcore command is used but the specified player is not found.
    • commandCannotRevive

      public final String commandCannotRevive
      Message "command-messages.cannot-revive". Appears when either the /addlife or /setlives command is used on a dead player.
    • givelifeDisabled

      public final String givelifeDisabled
      Message "givelife-command-errors.disabled". Appears when a player tries to use the /givelife command but giving away lives is disabled.
    • givelifeSelfReference

      public final String givelifeSelfReference
      Message "givelife-command-errors.self-reference". Appears when a player tries to use the /givelife command on themself.
    • givelifeNoLivesLeft

      public final String givelifeNoLivesLeft
      Message "". Appears when a dead player tries to use the /givelife command.
    • givelifeOneLifeLeft

      public final String givelifeOneLifeLeft
      Message "". Appears when sacrificing/giving away a last life is disabled and a player with only one life tries to use the /givelife command.
    • givelifeCannotRevive

      public final String givelifeCannotRevive
      Message "givelife-command-errors.cannot-revive". Appears when a player with more than one life tries to give a life to a dead player, or if sacrificing is disabled and any alive player tries to give a life to a dead player.
    • givelifeLivesLimitHit

      public final String givelifeLivesLimitHit
      Message "givelife-command-errors.lives-limit-hit". Appears when a player tries to give a life to a player who has hit the upper limit of lives.
    • givelifeRevivalWarning

      public final String givelifeRevivalWarning
      Message "givelife-command-messages.revival-warning". Appears when a dead player is about to be revived by an alive player being sacrificed.
    • givelifeSacrificeConfirmation

      public final String givelifeSacrificeConfirmation
      Message "givelife-command-messages.sacrifice-confirmation". Appears when a player with one life tries to revive a player by sacrificing themselves, so that they can confirm their decision.
    • givelifeSacrificeHover

      public final String givelifeSacrificeHover
      Message "givelife-command-messages.sacrifice-hover". Appears as the hover event for the givelifeSacrificeConfirmation message.
    • givelifeGiveawayConfirmation

      public final String givelifeGiveawayConfirmation
      Message "givelife-command-messages.giveaway-confirmation". Appears when a player with one life tries to give away their life to an alive player, so that they can confirm their decision.
    • givelifeGiveawayHover

      public final String givelifeGiveawayHover
      Message "givelife-command-messages.giveaway-hover". Appears as the hover event for the givelifeGiveawayConfirmation message.
    • addlifeLivesLimitHit

      public final String addlifeLivesLimitHit
      Message "addlife-command-messages.lives-limit-hit". Appears when the /addlife command tries to add a life to a player who has hit the upper limit of lives.
    • addlifeSuccess

      public final String addlifeSuccess
      Message "addlife-command-messages.success". Appears when the /addlife command successfully adds a life to a player.
    • setlivesUnspecifiedLives

      public final String setlivesUnspecifiedLives
      Message "setlives-command-messages.unspecified-lives". Appears when the /setlives command is used without a life count specified.
    • setlivesInvalidLives

      public final String setlivesInvalidLives
      Message "setlives-command-messages.invalid-lives". Appears when the /setlives command is used with an invalid life count or a life count out of bounds.
    • setlivesLimitedSuccess

      public final String setlivesLimitedSuccess
      Message "". Appears when the /setlives command successfully changes a player's life count to the upper limit of lives because the life count specified was greater than that.
    • setlivesSuccess

      public final String setlivesSuccess
      Message "setlives-command-messages.success". Appears when the /setlives command successfully changes a player's life count to the specified number.
    • reviveAlivePlayer

      public final String reviveAlivePlayer
      Message "revive-command-messages.alive-player". Appears when the /revive command is used on an alive player.
    • reviveSuccess

      public final String reviveSuccess
      Message "revive-command-messages.success". Appears when the /revive command successfully revives a player.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • saveToFile

      public void saveToFile(org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration file)
      Saves the messages to the messages.yml file.
      file - the messages.yml file configuration